Miracles are natural expressions of total forgiveness. Through miracles, man accepts God’s forgiveness by extending it others. The second step is inherent in the first because light cannot tolerate darkness.
معجزات بیان طبیعی ، شفای کامل هستند. از طریق معجزه، انسان شفای خداوند را میپذیرد و به دیگران میدهد. قسمت دوم در ذات قسمت اول است چون نور تاریکی را تحمل کند.
“Lord heal me” is the only legitimate prayer. This also means “Lord atone for me,” because the only thing man should pray for is forgiveness. He HAS everything else.
نمیگم خدایا این ماجرا را درست کن !! این غلط است ، خدایا من را شفا بده تنها دعای مورد پذیرش است. اوه من در حال ادراک همچین چیزی هستم ؟ خدایا مرا شفا بده. خداوند همه چیز داده است.
یک دعا ، برای شفا صرفا درخواستی برای ان است که بتوانیم انچه را داریم درک کنم.
Forgiveness is the healing of the perception of separation. Correct perception of EACH OTHER is necessary ONLY because minds have willed to see themselves AS separate beings
If we were willing to forgive other people’s misperceptions of us, they could not possibly affect us at all.
ANY attempt you make to correct a brother means that you believe correction by YOU is possible, and this can ONLY be the arrogance of the ego.
Condemnation will then not be real to you, and all YOUR errors WILL be forgiven
Atonement is for all, because it is the way to UNDO the belief that ANYTHING is for you ALONE. To forgive is to OVERLOOK. Look, then, BEYOND error, and do not let your perception rest UPON it, for you will believe what your perception HOLDS. Accept as true only what your brother IS, if you would know yourself. Perceive what he is NOT, and you CANNOT know what you are, BECAUSE you see HIM falsely. Remember always that your identity is shared, and that its sharing IS its reality.
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