
Showing posts from January, 2022

I do not bring even a single thought from the past to this moment.

8) “I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing.” If I have no private thoughts, I cannot see a private world.  Even the mad idea of separation had to be shared before it could form the ba‐ sis of the world I see. 

Nothing can hurt me.

Imagine that you are sleeping and dreaming.  You are dreaming about a  certain situation but you are also aware that this is a dream and you are dreaming. You know that what ever happens happening in your dream and nothing can hurt you because eventually you are gonna wake up and you are safe.  How do you feel? Doesn't it feel absolutely safe? You are walking with grace and absolutely no fear as you are aware of ending. :)  You are not worry about your belongings, your body , your relationships and ... Because all of them are made up. What if this life is a complete dream? And you are dreaming now! You are invulnerable and absolutely safe. How do you feel if you are sure about it?  Is there anything to fear? All what we see around us is mind made, what we consider as ourselves  and others is just an imagination. This  imagination is absolutely vulnerable, it's not real and everything can endanger the imagination of self.  It is made by thought...


من میترسم که به درونم نگاه کنم ، چون فکر میکنم گناهکارم . شاید اینطور باشد که فکر کنم، من که خودم را گناهکار نمیدانم ! اما عمیقأ و زیر لایه های هوشیار و تفکر هشیار نسبت به خودم من خودم را گناهکار میدانم .  از کجا بفهمم که اینطور است ؟ از فرافکنی گناه به دیگران ، محکوم کردن ، دیگران برای چیزی ، حالا هر چیزی نشان میدهد که من درونم گناهکار میدانم خود را . یادم باشد که معجزه ، این گناه را پاک میکند .  من امروز درونم را می‌نگرم. بدون آنکه بترسم . دورن من چیزی جز پاکی و معصومیت نیست . برادرم اینه من است . من گناهانم را در او فرافکنی کرده ام .